Exchange Dai Dai to VISA/MC EUR

To successfully exchange Dai for VISA/MC EUR, you need to follow several steps:

  • Specify the amount of Dai for exchange;
  • Card number;
  • Full name of the cardholder;
  • Indicate the name of the bank that issued the card;
  • Phone number, Telegram, and email.

Funds will be credited within 15 minutes to 2 hours, but there may be delays from the bank. Please be patient in such cases.

Exchange rate: 1 Dai = 0.8016 EUR

min.: 174.6507 Dai max.: 23349.9603 Dai

min.: 174.6507 Dai

min.: 140 EUR max.: 18717.3282 EUR

min.: 140 EUR

Please enter your card number

Enter the name of your bank

Enter First Name Last Name as written on the card

User data


Enter your e-mail

Exchange Dai Dai to VISA/MC EUR


The exchange rate is not fixed and may be recalculated in the following cases:

  • If the exchange rate Bybit changes by more than 0,1% at the time Dai arrives in our wallet, calculations will be adjusted in accordance with the rate after the 32nd network confirmation.
  • If the amount of Dai sent does not match the amount specified in the request, calculations will be adjusted according to the rate after the 32nd confirmation of the network.

Please be careful when making exchanges.

This operation is performed by the operator in semi-automatic mode during working hours and takes on average 30 minutes.

To successfully make an exchange, fill in all the fields above.

Read the AML Policy.

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