Exchange Bitcoin BTC to Tether TRC20 USDT

Deposits from the Capitalist and Bitpapa services will be blocked by us for an indefinite period. For more detailed clarification, as well as inspections and consultations, you can contact us.

BTC/RUB (9599850.48) ETH/RUB (316837.54) DAI/RUB (104.64) USDC/RUB (104.65) USDT/RUB (104.61) BTC/KZT (48467905.4592) ETH/USDT (3028.7500238983) USDT/EUR (0) XMR/USD (118.7) USDT/USD (0.999) BTC/USDT (91704.96) USDT/USD (0.999) LTC/RUB (9988.5656) USDT/KZT (470.987) XRP/USDT (2.4685)

To successfully exchange Bitcoin BTC for Tether TRC20 USDT, you need to follow several steps:

  • Specify the amount of Bitcoin BTC for exchange;
  • Tether TRC20 USDT wallet for depositing funds;
  • Email.
  • Familiarize yourself with the exchange rules and check the box;

Funds will be credited within 15 minutes to 2 hours after receiving payment from you.

Exchange rate: 1 BTC = 90609.154 USDT

min.: 0.01048459 BTC max.: 10 BTC


For example: e40c0eda-4214-40d2-bdfa-20d63ce374d4


min.: 950 USDT max.: 906091.54 USDT

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Exchange Bitcoin BTC to Tether TRC20 USDT


The exchange rate for the request is not fixed and may be recalculated in the following cases:

  • If the exchange rate on the Bybit exchange changes by more than 0.1% at the time of receipt of Bitcoin BTC to our wallet, the calculations will be adjusted according to the rate after the 2nd network confirmation.
  • If the amount of Bitcoin BTC sent does not match the amount specified in the request, the calculations will be adjusted according to the rate after the 2nd network confirmation.

Please be careful when conducting exchanges.

This operation is performed automatically and takes 10 to 30 minutes.

To successfully exchange, please fill in all the fields above.

Read the AML Policy.

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