Exchange Bitcoin BTC to Tinkoff QR RUB

This operation takes place manually 9:00-22:00 and takes up to 40 minutes after receiving the first confirmation of the transaction. Fill out an application, indicating the amount of btc for the exchange (please round the amount to a multiple of 1000), phone number and e-mail. The QR code is sent only to the email address you specify in the application.

In order to counter the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, AML checks are carried out in accordance with AML/CTF and KYC Policies.

Exchange rate: 1 BTC = 8508937.55 RUB

min.: 0.01175235 BTC max.: 0.71950635 BTC

max.: 0.71950635 BTC

For example: e40c0eda-4214-40d2-bdfa-20d63ce374d4


min.: 100000 RUB max.: 6122234.64 RUB

max.: 6122234.64 RUB

Indicate your city where you plan to withdraw

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Enter your e-mail

Exchange Bitcoin BTC to Tinkoff QR RUB


The exchange rate on the application is not fixed and can be recalculated in the following cases:
1. If the rate on the exchange fell by more than 0.5% at the time the cryptocurrency was received on our wallet
2. If the sent amount of BTC does not match the amount specified in the application, the calculations will be adjusted according to the exchange rate after 1 confirmation of the network. All applications for which the cryptocurrency was received during the period from 9:00 to 22:00 are paid on the day the application was created.

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